Hard Reset?

Hard Reset.

Hard Reset?
My mechanical keyboard, the thing on which I'll be writing things here.

Once upon a time, I was a writer, kind of. I never did write professionally, though I did get a couple of things published a long time ago. I wrote a lot back then and I got pretty good after a while. I thought I had a fruitful writing career ahead of me. But as tends to be the case with these things, life took a turn I wasn't expecting and it became very difficult for me to continue writing. More on that some other time.

My name is Daniel, though some people call me DJ and you can too if you want. You might know me as TiersInRain online. My main writing thing is for a cyberpunk blog called Cyberpunkery. Cyberpunk has been a special interest of mine since I was a very small child. I started the site back in 2016 in order to try to get myself back into writing after many years and to give myself an outlet to practice.

A glitched out and glammed up photo of DJ
It's me, all glitchy and cyberpunk looking. Please note, I am incapable of taking a normal picture of myself.

Hard Reset is a side project. Over the last year or two I've sort of rediscovered my love for writing and I've realized that I want to write about more than just cyberpunk stuff occasionally. This newsletter is going to have a focus on retro things as well as modern things that are inspired by or connected to retro things. This will most likely be mostly video games, which are my greatest passion after cyberpunk. But also movies, television, books, music, and technology. . .Stuff I grew up with that helped define who I am today.

This is also a little bit of an experiment to try out a different publishing platform (Ghost) than the one I've been using for many years (Wordpress). If it works out well here, I may switch Cyberpunkery to it as well.

This is going to be a tad more personal than Cyberpunkery. A place for me to talk about anything that happens to be inspiring me on that particular week or something I feel passionate enough about to spew my thoughts on. And I'll try to do it in a way that is entertaining to you and not incredibly boring.

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my newsletter, so subscribe maybe

Currently the plan is to send out a newsletter every Wednesday. Please do subscribe so that you get each newsletter emailed directly to you. The newsletter is completely free, but if you enjoy my work here (and on Cyberpunkery), and want to support it, there is a paid subscription option. The support would mean the world to me.

Other places you can find me

I already mentioned Cyberpunkery. I'm active on Blue Sky, which has become my primary social media outlet. I am also on Twitter and a few other places. You can visit my hub site tiersinrain.com to get links to all the places you can find me on the internet.